The Experience With The Mother Lion

This was a scene captured by 
a Safari Photo at the Bostwana National Park. There are some scene that are very rare in the wild, but when stumbled info such scene, then it becomes one of the most wonderful life experience that will remain in the memory for a very long time. Danielle carstens shares one of the wonderful moment he captured in the Safari.

Danielle on this Facebook page said, this moment was one that I wanted to remember. We saw this lioness walking toward a thicket and we sat patiently, keeping our distance. This is a very sensitive scene and we made sure we did not disturb her. The guides knew there were cubs somewhere. Next moment, she started carrying (moving) her cubs to a different location. Once she had disappeared with the first cub, we hoped there were more and positioned the vehicle to be able to see her from the front. We switched off and waited. She returned, fetched the second cub and walked past us while we watched her in silence. She proceeded to do the same with the third cub. We didn't bother her at her new location - it was a huge privilege to have seen the cubs being carried. The Okavango Delta is a haven for wildlife!

During child birth, lioness will leave the pride to give birth in a hidden environment. After the child birth, the lioness will keep changing location to avoid attention from Intruders, and when her cubs are strong enough to join the rest of the pride, she then take them back to introduce to the Alpha male and the rest of the members of the pride.
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