Nigeria Town Were Young Girls Are Initiated Into Womanhood

Ogun Town in River State of Nigeria is one of the oldest town in Africa that is till maintaining it's ancient culture practices up till date. One of these ancient practice still seen among these people is the act of initiating young virgins into womanhood to prepare them for marriage and the other stage of life.

Ogun Town is in Ogu/Bolo Local Government Area of River State of Nigeria. Ogun Kingdom as it is popularly called is known for its Ira Ceremony, an ancient practice that marks the transition of young virgins into womanhood. Young girls up to the age of marriage will be made to past through different stages of test to confirm there celebracy and readiness to proceed to the next stage. Which after passing the test will be given a certificate, and interested admirers can pick their wives from the ceremony 

The people of Ogu kingdom on December 2, 2023, celebrated Iria ceremony, and Young virgins were given certificates by the Ogu council of chiefs for passing through the test. Young girls with different drawing on their bodies were seen on the town quare, an act that portrays the beauty of the virgins. 

Iria is an Ijaw people culture dated back to 17th Century. It is considered a rite of passage for young girls as they reach puberty and begin to mature physically.
To pass through the test, the girls must first be virgins which will be checked by women of the town, then they will be kept in a room where they will undergo training on womanhood. 

After passing through this process, the qualified girls will be given certificates showing that they are now adult ladies ready to marry. Similar culture can be found among the people of Affik, and Ibiobio in the 80s, but as it is, the culture has gradually faded away. The people of Ogun town still maintained this rich culture that was handed over to them by their ancestors. Ijaw people are riverine people of Southern Nigerian, mostly found in Delta,Rivers, and Bayelsa State.


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