Moment Baby Hippo Mistakenly Thinks A Giant 12-Meter-Long Crocodile Is Its Mother, Making Tourists’ Hearts Stop Beating

Sometimes, happenings in the wild can make tourists begin to wonder how things unfold in the wilderness. This is one of the jaw dropping scene captured at the riverbank of Kenya's popular Mara River, were a baby hippo was seen lying very close to the head of a giant 12-metre-long crocodile, thinking it was it mother.

The tourists who were on a holiday tour at the river captured the scene and shared it on social media. According to the tourist, he was busy observing the beauty of the river birds, when his friend called his attention to something unusual. His friend said, "Come! Come! You won’t believe this.” My friend pulled me to the edge of the bluff above Kenya’s Mara river. My breath caught in my throat. On the opposite shore of the river a baby hippo sniffed around a massive 12’ crocodile. Riveted, we feared the worst.

In Africa, Hippos and Crocodile coexist in most rivers, but due to the territorial and aggressive nature of Hippos, crocodiles don't go close to these aggressive marine beast and they also do everything possible to avoid them. In the other hand, crocodile’s menacing teeth dripped from his overbite, a matching row rising up along his lower jaw. African Crocodiles have the strongest bite of any animal, capable of 5,000 pounds per square inch! They are lurkers, hunkering down in the muddy water waiting for unsuspecting prey to come to drink or cross the river, making this large reptiles very dangerous. Sometimes they haul themselves out along the riverbank often opening their mouths to cool their crenelated bodies under the tropical sun.
The baby Hippos wonders out of the river without the mother, and was seen going towards the giant reptile that was resting along the riverbank. The crocodile shifted and stretched out full length in the sun, it’s evil smile frozen in place while the baby hippo explored its entire body. Finally, the Littlest Hippo returned to the head of the crocodile and with a sigh, lay down and snuggled into the beast’s embrace.“No! No! No!” I telepathically messaged the hippo. The hippo paid me no mind and promptly went to sleep", said the tourist.

After spending sometimes together, the big reptile moved away from the baby hippo and dive into the river leaving the toddler all by itself, hopefully the mother will come soon. 

The narrative unfolded as a vivid example of harmonious relationships. In light of the current division among individuals, I am convinced that the Littlest Hippo and the Crocodile showcased that peace and security can indeed exist among people



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