Mountain Lion attack two brothers, killing one and leaving the other seriously injured

Two brothers  (Name withheld) were brutally attacked by a wondering mountain lion in the Northern California wood on the 23rd of March, 2024. 
According to BBC News "Authorities arrived on the scene and located the injured 18-year-old before finding the older brother 21, who was on the ground near the mountain lion. The Sherrif's Office reports their deputies shot in the air to scare away the mountain lion and rushed in to administer medical aid. However, they found the young man had succumbed to his injuries."
The young brothers aged 18 and 21 respectively were on a weekend outing on the Northern California wood before they came across a mountain lion that was also wondering around in the wood. According to BBC News "the attack unfold while the siblings were out searching for shed deer antlers near the El Dorado National Forest, about 52 miles northeast of Sacramento, authorities said."

The California Department of Fish, and Wildlife, the El Dorado County Trappe also reported that all efforts to safe the life of the 21-year-old failed as wounds from the bits of the wild cat was so deep, which resulted in internal organ damage and lost of blood  But the younger brother is still alive with traumatic injuries to the face. He is still receiving treatment at the hospital.

Mountain Lions also known as Puma are large cast of the North America. Puma attack on humans are rare, the authorities said "This was the first fatal attack by a puma in the state in 20 years.


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