The SANDAWE Ttribe

The SANDAWE tribe, consisting of approximately 60,000 individuals, resides in the north-central region of Tanzania. They are one of the few remaining groups that can trace their origins back to an ancient race of people who once inhabited various parts of Africa.

The San, who were referred to as Bushmen by the Dutch in South Africa, were the earliest known inhabitants of the Rift Valley. The Sandawe, in comparison to the neighboring tribes, exhibit distinct racial characteristics. They possess lighter skin tone and have a smaller stature, with hair that resembles the twisted locks of the Bushmen, often referred to as peppercorn hair.

Similar to the Bushmen, the Sandawe also have the epicanthic fold of the eyelid, a feature commonly found among East Asian populations. The Sandawe language is tonal and incorporates click consonants, similar to the Khoe languages spoken in southern Africa.

In Eastern Africa, the Hadzapi, who reside in northern Tanzania, are the only other indigenous group that still speaks a Khoisan language.


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