Moment A Group of Dolphins Expresses Appreciation To A Diver Following A Significant Rescue

Italian diver Enzo Maiorca experienced a unique encounter while exploring the depths of the Siracusa sea. 

He was surprised when he felt a pat on his back, only to discover a dolphin swimming beside him.

Realizing that the dolphin was not seeking to play, but rather to communicate something, Enzo followed as the dolphin led him deeper into the water. At a depth of twelve meters, they found another dolphin trapped in a net.

Enzo, along with his daughter, managed to free the trapped dolphin. As the two dolphins resurfaced, they emitted a sound that Maiorca described as almost human. 

Dolphins can hold their breath underwater for up to ten minutes, risking drowning. The trapped dolphin, a female, was pregnant and soon gave birth after being rescued.

The male dolphin, showing gratitude, approached Enzo and gently touched his cheek in a gesture that resembled a kiss.

Enzo concluded by emphasizing the importance of respecting and communicating with the animal world, highlighting that understanding our role on Earth is dependent on this connection.

Credit to My Italy/@David Attenborough


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