Monday, October 30, 2023

Female Israel Soldier kidnapped By Hamas 0n October 7 Rescued

A female soldier "Pvt. Ori Megidish" kidnapped by Hamas Terrorist during the deadly attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 has been Rescued.

Pvt. Ori Megidish was rescued today 30th of October, during the ground Operation carried out inside Gaza by the Israeli Defense Force. Ori has been held captive by the Hamas Terrorist group since the deadly attack.

Editor's Note: An earlier statement from the IDF said Megidish was released. The IDF later said she was rescued. She's now home with her family, the IDF.

Hamas Tunnel Of Terror

Before the ground operation of  Gaza by the Israeli Defense Force, the IDP Reported the presence of large tunnels in Gaza which could be the hideout of the Terrorist and probably the hostage might have been kept in it.

The New York Times reports that Hamas has, in its tunnels, 'hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine'.

Man Shares Encounter With Pregnant Scorpion In His Bedroom

A Lagos based Nigerian Man "Jed Ngwu" has shared his experience with a pregnant scorpion he found in his bedroom on the 3Oth of October, 2023.

Jed took to his Facebook page "Jedy Lyk Ngwu" to share this shocking moment in his bedroom. Jed wrote on his wall with a shared photos "Just finished talking with my kid broe Clem.... while Sitting  by my table top fridge that I use as a reading table.... I was facing the entrance door ... I heard something fell behind me with a thud. At first I thought it's a wall gecko... But thanks to God I had the solar lights on..  as I turned behold it's a pregnant scorpion 🦂 and it quickly crawled under my helmet.... What baffled me is that since I've been here for a 2years now I've never seen a scorpion... I've only seen a snake once... For a scorpion to fall behind me in my  sitting room is a mystery and if I  wasn't there when it fell and it crawled under the mat that always sleep on when the weather is hot... Only God knows what my situation will be........"

"My God is awesome ( Chukwum erikaaaa)... bless God with me today."

Scorpions mainly live in deserts but have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions, and can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Sometimes they can find their way into people's bedroom, which can be very dangerous to live.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Tyson Fury Wins Split Decision Against MMA Fighter Ngannou

World heavyweight champion Tyson Fury beat mixed martial arts fighter Francis Ngannou in a split decision after their boxing bout went the distance in Saudi Arabia on Sunday 28 October, 2023.

Ngannou knocked Fury down in round three, but the 35-year-old British fighter, though shaken, could continue.

The undefeated Fury earlier this week laughed off his opponent as a “big fat sausage” but afterward acknowledged that the 37-year-old Cameroonian had effectively kept him off-balance.

Fury’s WBC heavyweight belt was not on the line in the “Battle of the Baddest” in Riyadh. Still, Saudi officials hoped it would further boost the Gulf kingdom’s reputation as a top-flight boxing destination.

With all parties desperate to lend the contest some sporting legitimacy, the WBC had fashioned a “Riyadh Champion” belt to allow the winner to strut around the ring at the end with something other than a big, fat cheque.

Fury has been linked with a £50 million ($60.6 million) payout from Sunday’s exhibition bout, while he has said in the British press that Ngannou will earn £10 million.

Credit: Daily Mail

Friday, October 27, 2023

Israeli Defense Force Updates Air Bombardment of Gaza on Facebook

The Israeli Defense Force had realized video footage of air me bombardment of the Hamas Terrorist in Gaza.

The footage which was released on the Israeli Defence Force verify Facebook page was written as follows " OPERATIONAL UPDATE: The IDF conducted strikes on Hamas terrorist targets over the last 24 hours. "

IDF ground troops, fighter jets and UAVs struck: 

🔴 Anti-tank missile launch sites

🔴 Command & control centers

🔴 Hamas terrorist operatives

The troops exited the area and no injuries were reported.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Saudi Arabia Intercepts Missile Headed Toward Israel in Show of Historical Support

As war continues in Gaza between the Israeli Soldiers and the Hamas terrorist, some terrorist group have  from the neibouring country have been making retaliation moves in  support of the Hamas Terrorist group in Gaza. Today's Daybreak Insider: Saudi Arabia Intercepts Missile Headed Toward Israel in Show of Historical Support
Times of Israel: also reports" Saudi Arabia intercepted one of the cruise missiles fired toward Israel last week by Iran-backed Houthi rebels, The Wall Street Journal reveals". The US was known to have shot down the other four missiles from its USS Carney guided missile cruiser but Saudi involvement in the missile defense actions had been unknown until now. Saudi Arabia’s Patriot Missile Defense array is supplied by the US. The US has said the missiles were likely headed toward Israel (Times of Israel). Journalist Anshel Pfeffer: Saudis intercept an Iranian/Yemeni missile heading toward a target to Israel. That’s pretty historic (X).

Mysterious 'mermaid' mummy that 'gives people the creeps' to be studied and analysed by scientists

A supposed mermaid body fished out in the mid 1900s is to be dissected as researchers desire to make quick work of the unpleasant figure, which could simply be portions of a monkey and crocodile set up.
According to Daily Star "
The mysterious"mermaid"-like mummy has given people the creeps and scientists are set to figure out exactly what the weird creature is.

The mummified entity, brought back to shore and donated to the Clark County Historical Society in Ohio, United States, back in 1906, will be analysed by experts. Boffins are bringing a series of tests to the "Frankensteined" body, which has unnerved people for too long. Oversized claws, a grimacing face and a fish-like lower half covered in a drape of long, grey hair, has puzzled expats.

Joseph Cress, a radiologist at Northern Kentucky University, said: "It seems to be a hodgepodge of at least three different species externally. There’s the head and torso of a monkey, the hands seem to be that of an amphibian almost like an alligator, crocodile or lizard of some sort. 

"And then there’s that tail of a fish – again, species unknown. It is obviously fashioned, almost Frankensteined together – so I want to know what parts were pulled together." The alleged monkey-crocodile hybrid could have been made to fit the "Fiji mermaid" legend.

Legendary mermaids were worshipped throughout Japan, with one in Asakuchi found to be made of cloth, paper, fish scales and animal hair. Tests are underway to see just what this body could be.

remember seeing it on display in Memorial Hall, the home of the historical society from 1926 to 1986."

A CT scan and series of tests are underway to figure out if this mermaid find is the real deal or just a horrific collection of animal parts wrapped in paper. The doctor believes picking out "slices" of the artefact will be enough to confirm the origins of the "mermaid".

He added: "By doing that it gives us more data. Do those nostrils continue up into what we think is a legitimate nasal cavity, and how deep do they go? Because we can see it front to back and even side to side.

"So we’re doing that to all parts of this Fiji mermaid, not just the head and facial region, but also the thoracic region, and then that tail end." Results will be sent off to Cincinnati Zoo and the Newport Aquarium for further help in identifying the creatures.

As at today, mamaid still remains a mystical creature, that science is yet to ascertain it existence. May be this will give insight of this mystical creature.

Shocking Phone Conversation Of Hamas Terrorist With Father After October 7 Attack On Israel

A phone conversation of Hamas Terrorist with his father was released by the Israeli Defense Force. An Audio clip which lasted for 3 minutes shows how the Terrorist was reporting to his father with great passion in Arabic language “Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!” At the other end, a voice was saying Alah Uwak bat, meaning "God is great"

The Israeli Defense Force on their official Facebook page wrote "Listen to a phone call of a Hamas terrorist calling home, bragging about how many people he massacred."

"The whole world needs to hear this"

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Experience With The Mother Lion

This was a scene captured by 
a Safari Photo at the Bostwana National Park. There are some scene that are very rare in the wild, but when stumbled info such scene, then it becomes one of the most wonderful life experience that will remain in the memory for a very long time. Danielle carstens shares one of the wonderful moment he captured in the Safari.

Danielle on this Facebook page said, this moment was one that I wanted to remember. We saw this lioness walking toward a thicket and we sat patiently, keeping our distance. This is a very sensitive scene and we made sure we did not disturb her. The guides knew there were cubs somewhere. Next moment, she started carrying (moving) her cubs to a different location. Once she had disappeared with the first cub, we hoped there were more and positioned the vehicle to be able to see her from the front. We switched off and waited. She returned, fetched the second cub and walked past us while we watched her in silence. She proceeded to do the same with the third cub. We didn't bother her at her new location - it was a huge privilege to have seen the cubs being carried. The Okavango Delta is a haven for wildlife!

During child birth, lioness will leave the pride to give birth in a hidden environment. After the child birth, the lioness will keep changing location to avoid attention from Intruders, and when her cubs are strong enough to join the rest of the pride, she then take them back to introduce to the Alpha male and the rest of the members of the pride.
Nice to have you here

Beautiful Adaptive Nature Of Hermid crags


Exploring the mesmerizing world of hermit crabs, these captivating crustaceans adapt ingeniously, utilizing discarded shells as their protective sanctuaries against predators and the per

ils of nature.

Nature is beautiful, and the Hermid crags have contributed their own colorations to the beauty of Nature. So when you see the Hermid crags in your vicinity, don't kill it , just admire and let it go.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Two Americans Taken Hostage by Hamas During The Horrific Attack On Israel Released

In a life broadcast cast, US President said "Today, we have secured the release of two Americans taken hostage by Hamas during the horrific terrorist assault against Israel on October 7.  Our fellow citizens have endured a terrible ordeal these past 14 days, and I am overjoyed that they will soon be reunited with their family, who has been wracked with fear. These individuals and their family will have the full support of the United States government as they recover and heal, and we should all respect their privacy in this moment.

From the earliest moments of this attack, we have been working around-the-clock to free American citizens who were taken hostage by Hamas, and we have not ceased our efforts to secure the release of those who are still being held.  I thank the government of Qatar and the government of Israel for their partnership in this work.  Jill and I have been holding close in our hearts all the families of unaccounted for Americans. And, as I told those families when I spoke with them last week—we will not stop until we get their loved ones home. As president, I have no higher priority than the safety of Americans held hostage around the world.." This week the IS President visited the Isteal, and also continue to pledged his support to the Isreali people.

Mum Crab Walk Into School To Hide Her Rude Tattoos From Pupils When Picking Her Kids

A  27-year-old woman has jokenly reviled that she usually crab walk into her child's class to avoid pupils to see her tattoos boldly drown on her body.

The young mother " Madi Murphy" from Australia reviled she is not comfortable with  her risky tattoos on the backs of the legs when she drops her kids off at school and she fill she has to cover it away from the children.
According to Daily Mail, Mady Said" I have to awkwardly 'crab walk' into school pick-ups so kids don't see my rude tattoos - but I don't regret them for a second". In a follow-up video, the mum revealed she has a candy heart on the back of each calf, one with the phrase 'B**** Please' and another with the words 'U Aint S***'. 

'I just feel bad when there are kids reading my legs,' she said. 

Thousands thought Madi's tattoos and school drop-off dilemma was hilarious while others shared the inappropriate tattoos they have to hide. 

'I have a uterus sticking up its middle finger on the back of my arm that I forget is there sometimes but it's my fave of all of mine,' one woman said.
The video which has been vviewed 3.6 million times has gotten lot of reactions has many mothers had also shared their own urgly  moment with their own tattoos, and some feels it is inappropriate for such tattoos to be exposed to young minds like the school children.

While Madi said she has no shame about her cheeky tattoos, McCrindle Researchers reported just over one third of Australians say they regret getting inked with 14 per cent having had or considered removal.

Mother Jaguar Teaches Cub How To Handle Anacondas Snake

Jaguars are the third largest Cat in the world, and can be found  around the thick forest of South America. The footage shows the moment a mother Jaguar was found with her baby handle a baby anaconda snake with their claw.

The tourist who captured the event while on a tour with his colleagues on the famous TrÄ“s  Irmêos river wrote.  "On the Três Irmãos River in Brazil when a mother and her cub crossed right in front of our boat. We watched mesmerized as they left the water holding an anaconda with a very similar pattern to their own.

The are the biggest predators in South America, and are known to be on top of the food chain. They feeds on larger mammals like caiman crocodile and other water mammals, and always seen around the river bank of the Amazon River

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Mongoose Attacked And killed Deadly Boomslang Snake On Tree

A scene was captured at Namibia’s Etosha National Park were a hungry Mongoose sneak in and attached a big Boomslang snake that was resting on a tree.

 Mongoose are known to be snake killers and have high resistance to snake venom, making the little rodent  having much upper hand against most poisonous snakes when engaged in any fight. 

The scene that was captured by  a South African Photographer "Elana Erasmus" shows how The boomslang was resting on a tree in Namibia’s Etosha National Park when the mongoose crept up and went in for the kill.

According to Daily Post, Elana, 48, was on a guided safari at the game reserve in Nambia when she saw the encounter about to unfold. She said: ‘We were on our way back to camp after the morning’s photography session when our guide spotted a slender mongoose attacking a boomslang in a tree next to the  road side.

‘We realised immediately that this was a very special sighting. ‘Our cameras were already tucked away in their dust covers and we were frantically trying to get our equipment out and ready.

The mongoose would pursue the boomslang, continuously biting it on its head, while the boomslang snake tried in vain to get away from its attacker. But it was very clear that the slender mongoose was the predator and that this time, the snake was the prey.

A few times the mongoose would fall out of the tree just to clamber back to continue its relentless attack on the boomslang.

After a while the boomslang looked tired and worst for wear. It was clear that the mongoose had the upper hand.’  The several minutes of fierce battle came to an end, after the mongoose killed the helpless reptile and was taken away from the tree.

US President Biden has landed in Israel

The United State President Joe Biden has arrived in Israel today, where he received thanks from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for giving Israel the tools they need to defend their country.
The United State Air Force One touched down just before 11 am (0800 GMT) at Tell Aviv in Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu greeted him with a hug. Biden expressed his solidarity to Israel about ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict. In his words, Biden said
“I wanted to be here today for a simple reason, so that everyone knows that the USA stands with Israel." A meeting will be held later in the day by the two leaders. 
Photo Credit: AP/Evan Vucci

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

At 77, An Old Israeli Soldier Reported For Duty In Uniform

The photo of an old Israeli soldier has  cought the eyes of many social media user on Facebook. The photo which was posted  by Soldier of Fortune Magazine on their Fabook page, shows when the old soldier was on duty in 1967 and also when he  turnup at the batle Field with a gun in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
The Magazine post stated "Beware an old man in a profession where men die young. In 1967, Yosef fought in the Six Day War in defense of Israel. Today, at the age of 77, he reported for duty in  uniform, with a weapon, and a message: "People of Israel, keep morale high and stay united. Trust me, we've been through tough wars, and we'll get through this one too.”  The photo has received lots of reactions and many comments by the viewers.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Moment Father Lion Struggles To Take Care Of 5 Cubes After Their Mother Was Injured By Another Lion

It was a funny scene as father lion was seen struggling to take care of 5 unruly cubs while their mother recovers from being attacked by another lioness.

Among the large cats, only African lions lives with lioness and also raises a very strong family usually called "the lion pride". Most often the lioness do most of the hunting and also take care of the newly born cubs, while the giants male only protects the pride. But in this case, a mother lioness of 5 cubs was injured by another lioness, and was taken away for treatment, while the 5 newly born cubs was left with their father to look after.

A wild life photographer Linda Smith who took the photos at the Pakawi Park Zoo in Belgium told My News, " the lion was struggling to take care of the cubs at the time she was taken the photos". Linda explained, the mother lion was attacked by another lioness. She had severe injuries and had to be separated from her cubs for a few weeks to heal. So dad had to take care of them. He was trying to lift them, like the mother would do, to carry them to what he probably thought was a safer place. But as a male, he didn't have the skills or experience to properly lift them.

Although he was very gentle with the cubs, they screamed every time he came near and tried to move them. Despite all the unruly attitudes of the cubs, the father lion tried his best to be a good father to the little cubs untill their mother was returned to them.The cubs were seen jumping all over their mother immediately they sighted her in the park.

Ex Manchester United Star Receives Praises From Ex-wife For His Continued Support And Care For Her And Their Children, Despite The Challenges Of Their Ended Marriage

Sonia, the former spouse of well-known Nigerian footballer Jude Ighalo, has taken to Instagram to commend him publicly.  She hig...